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Category: Programs
(Magyar) Kurátori tárlatvezetés
(Magyar) Kiállításmegnyitó
“Extreme Sleeping” – exhibition opening virtual performance by Endre Koronczi, April 8th, 2020
Music performance by József Csató for the virtual opening of the exhibition “Slow life. Radical Practices of the Everyday”. April 8th, 2020
Greetings by curator József Készman on the occasion of the virtual exhibition opening of the “Slow Life. Radical Practices of the Everyday”, April 8th, 2020 (Hungarian only)
ÖSSZEKÖTVE – Noémi Orvos-Tóth in a talk show by Könyves Magazin
László Valuska talks with Noémi Orvos-Tóth on the occasion of the International Slow Art Day, April 4th, 2020 (Hungarian only)
The living room concert by iamyank on the occasion of the International Slow Art Day (April 4th, 2020)
Ludwig Live | Music Inspirations for the exhibition “Slow Life. Radical Practices of the Everyday”