According to radical ecological theory, the solution to the ecological crisis can only be achieved by a total transformation of the current social, cultural values and attitudes. For thousands of years, the essence of human civilization has been the pursuit of dominance, and our economic system is increasingly exploiting the natural environment as a mere source of raw materials and energy. Therefore, within the current system, it is impossible to achieve effective results with isolated green measures, and we need to fully overhaul our individual and systemic practices.
Based on the principles of deep ecology and social ecology, radical ecology seeks to create a liveable and sustainable civilization.
Social ecology treats man as an entity above and beyond nature, but recognizes that the protection of the natural environment is the key to humanity’s survival. In addition to exploiting nature, it examines the social processes and their mechanism of action that influences climate crisis. Deep Ecology sees the biodiversity of our planet as a complex, non-hierarchical, coherent system, of which man is an integral part. In this system, every living thing is of equal importance, so man is one of the elements of this network, neither separate nor dominant.