Slow Knowledge

community thinking

Community thinking is a social endeavouthat considers the good of the community a priority, sometimes at the cost of the individual’s interest. Instead of granting privileges to certain individuals, it attempts to look for solutions and actions that meet everyone’s demands, treating the good of the community as a long-term project stabilizing common good. 

Community thinking means to take care of each other, to do what is good for others, too, not only for one personThis however is not to be confused with charity, to the contrary, community thinking can be a win-win situation for all parties, for example exchanging services between community members – be it walking someone else’s dog, or repairing the zipper osomeone’s jacket etc.    

Community gardens are good examples of community activities undertaken in cities. Another good initiative might be by local governments, to plant herbs and fruit trees in public spaces instead of flowers, so that the poorer are able to use and eat them.  

On the level of decision making there are more and more human rights movements that follow a policy of letting the community make the decisions instead of delegating it to leadersSimilarly, in many cities and local communities around the world, decisions concerning for instance the annual budget are discussed openly, so that the inhabitants can decide together with the local government how to spend the funds. This decentralization, the shift in decision making policy is yet another sign of the growing importance of local communities nowadays.   

Slow Knowledge

withdrawing, escapism

One of the main problems of today’s global society is a sense of anxiety, or frustration because one may feel that he or she is constantly under pressure to fulfill the expectations of how to live and do things. In the midst of a sea of information flooding us every day through the internet and social media, one might feel fragile. Internet, social media might get us to compare ourselves to others, or compete with the world, which might result in a willingness to escape. 

Escaping however is not necessarily a defense reaction to cut off from the toxic world around us, to protect oneself from stress and anxiety. On the contrary, it might be a willingness, striving, and proactive choice to build one’s own “better” world, to successfully steer one’s own mini-universe.  

From this perspective, escapism can be seen as an attempt to work on a balanced life, embracing oneself and one’s own well-being. Escapism can take radical forms, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be radical. It may manifest in daily life as slowing down, focusing on one’s thought, or as a meditative element in life which allows us to find balance – for instance in the form of a long walk.