Slow Knowledge

deep adaptation

Deep adaptation is one of the most pessimistic theories about the future of mankind. The concept was introduced by Professor Jem Bendell in 2018, when he summarised the results of various research findings related to climate change and economic trends. 

Bendell’s starting point was a sociological statement: throughout the history of mankind, no culture took its own extinction into account – it seems the human psyche has always tried to avoid this thought by all means. However, based on current research, Bendell believes humankind is facing an inevitable and accelerating ecological collapse in the next few decades. Therefore deep adaptation urges the factual acceptance of the collapse of civilisation as we know it, and also calls for the elaboration of mental and emotional survival strategies for this post-collapse world. 



Slow Knowledge


Post-humanism is a generic term that contains several schools, often opposing each other and being grounded in different underlying principles. Their common aspect is the search for the new position of mankind in an era after the crisis and breakdown of classical humanism. Their other core principle does not regard humankind as the central element of existence – as the anthropocentric approach of classical humanism does , but rather as a higher, or merely different degree of (co-)evolution. 

A few examples of posthumanist doctrines include antihumanism, related mainly to French philosopher Louis Althusser (19191990). Antihumanists are critical of all traditional humanist ideas that consider humanity and the human condition fundamental. Althusser considers humanism an ideological state apparatus (appareil idéologique d’État), a relation between authority and knowledge  thus it cannot be seen as the universal value or natural state of being as believed to be since the Renaissance.  

Transhumanism praises the omnipotence of rationality and science. Their thesis is that future technological developments will result in the creation of the highly improved version of the human, called the posthuman or transhuman state of being. 

Speculative humanism explores the common future of clones, hybrids and humans, and the possibility of a humanless future. Critical posthumanism defines an image of man that co-evolves with its environment and technology inseparably. 

Animal studies aims at eliminating our deeply ingrained dualistic thinking regarding nature and culture, science and non-science, and human and animal; it also strives to constitute the ethics of animal rights.